ACC 151 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 152 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 261 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 262 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 263 Intermediate Accounting III
ACC 270 Business and Professional Ethics
ACC 331 Financial Accounting for Non-Profits
ACC 332 Managerial and Cost Accounting
ACC 350 Accounting Information Systems
ACC 406 Business Taxation
ACC 415 Auditing
ACC 420 Advanced Accounting
ACC 152 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 261 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 262 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 263 Intermediate Accounting III
ACC 270 Business and Professional Ethics
ACC 331 Financial Accounting for Non-Profits
ACC 332 Managerial and Cost Accounting
ACC 350 Accounting Information Systems
ACC 406 Business Taxation
ACC 415 Auditing
ACC 420 Advanced Accounting

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the basic principles and processes of accounting.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Accounting, 28th Edition. The authors are Carl Warren, Christine Jonick, and Jennifer Schneider. © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 151.1 Introduction to Accounting and Business
First Area of Study: Introduction to Accounting and Business.
Second Area of Study: Analyzing Transactions.
Third Area of Study: The Adjusting Process.
ACC 151.2 Accounting Systems, Inventories, and Internal Controls
First Area of Study: Completing the Accounting Cycle.
Second Area of Study: Accounting Systems.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Merchandising Businesses.
ACC 151.3 Inventories and Internal Controls
First Area of Study: Inventories.
Second Area of Study: Internal Controls and Cash.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Accounting, 28th Edition. The authors are Carl Warren, Christine Jonick, and Jennifer Schneider. © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify and perform each step of the accounting cycle and prepare financial statements
- Identify the principles and components of accounting information systems
- Define internal controls and identify its purpose and principles.
- Understand and demonstrate the use of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the ethical behavior.
- Compute and record common business transactions involving merchandise inventory, cash, depreciation, and accounts receivable transactions.
ACC 151.1 Introduction to Accounting and Business
First Area of Study: Introduction to Accounting and Business.
Second Area of Study: Analyzing Transactions.
Third Area of Study: The Adjusting Process.
ACC 151.2 Accounting Systems, Inventories, and Internal Controls
First Area of Study: Completing the Accounting Cycle.
Second Area of Study: Accounting Systems.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Merchandising Businesses.
ACC 151.3 Inventories and Internal Controls
First Area of Study: Inventories.
Second Area of Study: Internal Controls and Cash.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the basic principles and processes of accounting.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Accounting, 28th Edition. The authors are Carl Warren, Christine Jonick, and Jennifer Schneider. © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 152.1 Receivables and Long Term Assets
First Area of Study: Receivables.
Second Area of Study: Long-Term Assets: Fixed and Intangible.
ACC 152.2 Liabilities and Investments
First Area of Study: Current Liabilities and Payroll.
Second Area of Study: Long-Term Liabilities: Bonds and Notes.
Third Area of Study: Investments.
ACC 152.3 Cash Flows and Financial Analysis
First Area of Study: Statement of Cash Flows.
Second Area of Study: Financial Statement Analysis.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Accounting, 28th Edition. The authors are Carl Warren, Christine Jonick, and Jennifer Schneider. © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify important characteristics and the classification of long term assets and liabilities.
- Compute depreciation using the following methods: straight-line, units-of-activity, and double-declining-balance.
- Describe and illustrate the accounting for payroll, contingent liabilities, bonds payable and stocks.
- Prepare a statement of cash flows using the direct and indirect method.
- Explain the different classifications of rations and complete ratio analysis.
ACC 152.1 Receivables and Long Term Assets
First Area of Study: Receivables.
Second Area of Study: Long-Term Assets: Fixed and Intangible.
ACC 152.2 Liabilities and Investments
First Area of Study: Current Liabilities and Payroll.
Second Area of Study: Long-Term Liabilities: Bonds and Notes.
Third Area of Study: Investments.
ACC 152.3 Cash Flows and Financial Analysis
First Area of Study: Statement of Cash Flows.
Second Area of Study: Financial Statement Analysis.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the conceptual framework of accounting as it relates to recording, reporting, and disclosing financial information on the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition. The authors are James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, and Donald Pagach © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 261.1 Financial Reporting and Accounting Information
First Area of Study: Demand for and Supply of Financial Accounting Information.
Second Area of Study: Financial Reporting: Its Conceptual Framework.
Third Area of Study: Review of a Company’s Accounting System.
ACC 261.2 Balance Sheets and Income Statements
First Area of Study: The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity.
Second Area of Study: The Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows.
ACC 261.3 Receivables and Inventories
First Area of Study: Cash and Receivables.
Second Area of Study: Inventories: Cost Measurement and Flow Assumptions.
Third Area of Study: Time Value of Money Module.
Fourth Area of Study: Advanced Issues in Revenue Recognition.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition. The authors are James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, and Donald Pagach © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the meaning of generally accepted accounting principles, the role of the Codification for GAAP, and the major policy-setting bodies in the accounting field.
- Describe the qualitative characteristics of accounting information and prepare the intermediate components of financial statements and supplemental disclosures.
- Prepare complex transactions in journals, post to a ledger, and prepare a trial balance.
- Describe and explain the various methods of revenue recognition
ACC 261.1 Financial Reporting and Accounting Information
First Area of Study: Demand for and Supply of Financial Accounting Information.
Second Area of Study: Financial Reporting: Its Conceptual Framework.
Third Area of Study: Review of a Company’s Accounting System.
ACC 261.2 Balance Sheets and Income Statements
First Area of Study: The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity.
Second Area of Study: The Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows.
ACC 261.3 Receivables and Inventories
First Area of Study: Cash and Receivables.
Second Area of Study: Inventories: Cost Measurement and Flow Assumptions.
Third Area of Study: Time Value of Money Module.
Fourth Area of Study: Advanced Issues in Revenue Recognition.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of accounting theory and principles for recording and reporting all classes of liabilities and equity components.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition. The authors are James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, and Donald Pagach © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 262.2 Inventories and Liabilities
Area of Study: Inventories: Special Valuation Issues.
Area of Study: Current Liabilities and Contingent Obligations.
ACC 262.2 Acquisitions and Depreciation
Area of Study: Property and Equipment: Acquisition and Subsequent Investments.
Area of Study: Depreciation, Depletion, Impairment, and Disposal.
ACC 262.3 Intangibles and Investments
Area of Study: Intangibles.
Area of Study: Investments and Long-Term Receivables.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition. The authors are James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, and Donald Pagach © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- To apply the accounting theory and principles for recording and reporting all classes of liabilities and equity components, as well as special topics.
- Describe the accounting problems associated with self-constructed assets, interest capitalization, and valuation of property, plant, and equipment. Apply various methods of depreciation
- Illustrate accounting issues relating to recognition and valuation of receivables, acquiring, valuing and, disposing of property, plant and equipment.
- Summarize differences between periodic and perpetual inventory systems, compare LIFO and FIFO cost assumptions.
- Explain the reporting of the current portion of long-term debt and short-term debt expected to be refinanced.
- Identify and define the criteria applied to the accounting and disclosure of gain and loss contingencies.
ACC 262.2 Inventories and Liabilities
Area of Study: Inventories: Special Valuation Issues.
Area of Study: Current Liabilities and Contingent Obligations.
ACC 262.2 Acquisitions and Depreciation
Area of Study: Property and Equipment: Acquisition and Subsequent Investments.
Area of Study: Depreciation, Depletion, Impairment, and Disposal.
ACC 262.3 Intangibles and Investments
Area of Study: Intangibles.
Area of Study: Investments and Long-Term Receivables.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of advanced issues in several areas of accounting.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition. The authors are James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, and Donald Pagach © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 263.1 Financing Activities
First Area of Study: Financing Liabilities: Bonds and Long-Term Notes Payable.
Second Area of Study: Contributed Capital.
Third Area of Study: Retained Earnings and Earnings Per Share.
ACC 263.2 Revenue Recognition, Income Taxes, Retirement Benefits
First Area of Study: Advanced Issues in Revenue Recognition.
Second Area of Study: Accounting for Income Taxes.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Post-Retirement Benefits.
ACC 263.3 Leases, Cash Flows, and Changes
First Area of Study: Accounting for Leases.
Second Area of Study: The Statement of Cash Flows.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Changes and Errors.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition. The authors are James M. Wahlen, Jefferson P. Jones, and Donald Pagach © 2020 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Perform the accounting valuation of notes and bonds at date of issue and points before maturity.
- Identify the key components (accounts) of stockholders’ equity and perform earnings per share computations in simple and complex capital structures.
- Know the categories of debt and equity securities, the accounting/reporting treatment for each security, and explain the accounting for reclassification of securities from one category to another.
- Evaluate the difference between a change in accounting estimate and a change in accounting principle, and know how a change in accounting estimate is reflected in the financial statements
- Apply the accounting rules for both capital and operating leases by both the lessee and the lessor
- Examine rules for accounting changes and error analysis
ACC 263.1 Financing Activities
First Area of Study: Financing Liabilities: Bonds and Long-Term Notes Payable.
Second Area of Study: Contributed Capital.
Third Area of Study: Retained Earnings and Earnings Per Share.
ACC 263.2 Revenue Recognition, Income Taxes, Retirement Benefits
First Area of Study: Advanced Issues in Revenue Recognition.
Second Area of Study: Accounting for Income Taxes.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Post-Retirement Benefits.
ACC 263.3 Leases, Cash Flows, and Changes
First Area of Study: Accounting for Leases.
Second Area of Study: The Statement of Cash Flows.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Changes and Errors.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of major ethical issues related to business and accounting.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 9th edition The authors are Terry Halbert and Elaine Ingulli. © 2018 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 270.1 Introduction to Business Ethics
First Area of Study: Law, Ethics, Business: An Introduction.
Second Area of Study: The New Economy: Revisioning Work.
Third Area of Study: Whistleblowing: Conflicting Loyalties.
ACC 270.2 Ethical Issues Part I
First Area of Study: Privacy: Technology, Surveillance and Freedom.
Second Area of Study: Diversity: Equity and Justice for All.
Third Area of Study: Health and Safety: Workers Rights as Human Rights.
ACC 270.3 Ethical Issues Part II
First Area of Study: Environmental Sustainability: Law and Fairness.
Second Area of Study: Marketing: Technology, Choice, & Manipulation.
Third Area of Study: Product Liability: Allocating Risk & Responsibility.
Fourth Area of Study: Intellectual Property: Ownership, Creativity, and Innovation
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Law and Ethics in the Business Environment, 9th edition The authors are Terry Halbert and Elaine Ingulli. © 2018 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Define business ethics contrasted with law.
- Describe and utilize a framework for balancing personal values and organizational ethics.
- Discuss the problem of conflicting loyalties as applied to whistle blowing.
- Discuss some of the major issues related to diversity in the workplace.
- Discuss ethical issues related to marketing and manipulation.
- Identify components of a system for recognizing and preventing unethical behavior.
- Discuss some of the legal and ethical issues applicable to intellectual property and its ownership.
ACC 270.1 Introduction to Business Ethics
First Area of Study: Law, Ethics, Business: An Introduction.
Second Area of Study: The New Economy: Revisioning Work.
Third Area of Study: Whistleblowing: Conflicting Loyalties.
ACC 270.2 Ethical Issues Part I
First Area of Study: Privacy: Technology, Surveillance and Freedom.
Second Area of Study: Diversity: Equity and Justice for All.
Third Area of Study: Health and Safety: Workers Rights as Human Rights.
ACC 270.3 Ethical Issues Part II
First Area of Study: Environmental Sustainability: Law and Fairness.
Second Area of Study: Marketing: Technology, Choice, & Manipulation.
Third Area of Study: Product Liability: Allocating Risk & Responsibility.
Fourth Area of Study: Intellectual Property: Ownership, Creativity, and Innovation

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the important concepts of financial accounting for non-profit organizations.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations. The authors are Lynne A. Weikart, James Madison University, Greg G. Chen, CUNY-Baruch College and Ed Sermier. © 2013 Sage Publishing CQ Press, ISBN 978-1608716937. This book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is NOT included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 331.1 Planning and Budgeting
First Area of Study: An Introduction to Nonprofits: Mission and Money
Second Area of Study: Budgeting as Part of the Planning Process
Third Area of Study: Liquidity and Managing Cash Flow
Fourth Area of Study: Analyzing Costs
ACC 331.2 Financial Analysis in Nonprofit Organizations
First Area of Study: Principles of Accounting and Reporting Requirements
Second Area of Study: Understanding Financial Statements
Third Area of Study: Financial Analysis
Fourth Area of Study: Financial Tools for Informed Decision Making
ACC 331.3 Financial Management
First Area of Study: Understanding Revenues
Second Area of Study: Performance Measurement in Financial Management
Third Area of Study: Time Value of Money and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Fourth Area of Study: Capital Budgeting and Financing
Fifth Area of Study: Investment Strategies
Sixth Area of Study: Internal Controls
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations. The authors are Lynne A. Weikart, James Madison University, Greg G. Chen, CUNY-Baruch College and Ed Sermier. © 2013 Sage Publishing CQ Press, ISBN 978-1608716937. This book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is NOT included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain how mission and money are thought of differently in a non-profit organization as compared to a profit making company.
- Discuss the importance of budgeting in the planning process.
- Demonstrate an understanding of managing cash flow and analyzing costs.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how to read financial statements and do basic financial analysis.
- Demonstrate an understanding of financial management concepts such as revenues, performance measurement, capital budgeting.
ACC 331.1 Planning and Budgeting
First Area of Study: An Introduction to Nonprofits: Mission and Money
Second Area of Study: Budgeting as Part of the Planning Process
Third Area of Study: Liquidity and Managing Cash Flow
Fourth Area of Study: Analyzing Costs
ACC 331.2 Financial Analysis in Nonprofit Organizations
First Area of Study: Principles of Accounting and Reporting Requirements
Second Area of Study: Understanding Financial Statements
Third Area of Study: Financial Analysis
Fourth Area of Study: Financial Tools for Informed Decision Making
ACC 331.3 Financial Management
First Area of Study: Understanding Revenues
Second Area of Study: Performance Measurement in Financial Management
Third Area of Study: Time Value of Money and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Fourth Area of Study: Capital Budgeting and Financing
Fifth Area of Study: Investment Strategies
Sixth Area of Study: Internal Controls

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the nature and processes of financial and managerial accounting.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Financial & Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition. The authors are Carl Warren, James M. Reeve and Jonathan Duchac. © 2018 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 332.1 Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Systems
First Area of Study: Introduction to Managerial Accounting.
Second Area of Study: Job Order Costing.
Third Area of Study: Process Costing.
Fourth Area of Study: Activity Based Costing.
ACC 332.2 Cost Allocations and Planning
First Area of Study: Support Department and Joint Cost Allocations.
Second Area of Study: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
Third Area of Study: Variable Costing for Management Analysis.
Fourth Area of Study: Budgeting.
ACC 332.3 Evaluation and Strategic Tools
First Area of Study: Standard Costing and Variances.
Second Area of Study: Evaluating Decentralized Operations.
Third Area of Study: Differential Analysis.
Fourth Area of Study: Capital Investment Analysis.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Financial & Managerial Accounting, 14th Edition. The authors are Carl Warren, James M. Reeve and Jonathan Duchac. © 2018 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the role of managerial accounting and illustrate financial statements for a manufacturing company.
- Compute projected sales figures in dollars and units given various costs, target net income, and what-if analysis.
- Prepare cost-volume-profit income statements and contrast CVP income statements with traditional income statements.
- Differentiate between absorption and variable costing income statements and describe the effect on both inventory and cost of goods sold.
- Compute and interpret the return on investment, the residual income, and the balanced scorecard for an investment center.
- Evaluate capital investment proposals and diagram the capital rationing process.
- Prepare differential analysis reports for a variety of managerial decisions..
- Prepare budgets, identify its major components, and explain the interrelationships among its various components
ACC 332.1 Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Systems
First Area of Study: Introduction to Managerial Accounting.
Second Area of Study: Job Order Costing.
Third Area of Study: Process Costing.
Fourth Area of Study: Activity Based Costing.
ACC 332.2 Cost Allocations and Planning
First Area of Study: Support Department and Joint Cost Allocations.
Second Area of Study: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
Third Area of Study: Variable Costing for Management Analysis.
Fourth Area of Study: Budgeting.
ACC 332.3 Evaluation and Strategic Tools
First Area of Study: Standard Costing and Variances.
Second Area of Study: Evaluating Decentralized Operations.
Third Area of Study: Differential Analysis.
Fourth Area of Study: Capital Investment Analysis.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the nature, use and benefits of Accounting Information Systems.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Accounting Information Systems, 11th Edition. The authors are Ulric J. Gelinas, Richard B. Dull, Patrick Wheeler, and Mary Callahan Hill. © 2018 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 350.1 Introduction to Accounting Systems
First Area of Study: Introduction to Accounting Information Systems.
Second Area of Study: Enterprise Systems.
Third Area of Study: Electronic Business (E-Business) Systems.
Fourth Area of Study: Documenting Information Systems.
Fifth Area of Study: Database Management Systems.
Sixth Area of Study: Relational Databases and SQL.
ACC 350.2 Controlling Information Systems
First Area of Study: Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control.
Second Area of Study: Introduction to Pervasive Controls.
Third Area of Study: Business Process and Application Controls.
ACC 350.3 Billing, Purchasing, Integrated Production Processes
First Area of Study: The Order Entry/Sales (OE/S) Process.
Second Area of Study: The Billing/Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts
Third Area of Study: The Purchasing Process.
Fourth Area of Study: The Accounts Payable/Cash Disbursements (AP/CD) Process.
Fifth Area of Study: The Human Resources (HR) Management and Payroll Processes.
Sixth Area of Study: Integrated Production Processes (IPP).
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Accounting Information Systems, 11th Edition. The authors are Ulric J. Gelinas, Richard B. Dull, Patrick Wheeler, and Mary Callahan Hill. © 2018 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Examine the role of information and accounting systems in business management and investigate the accountant’s changing role in AIS.
- Evaluate the process by which effective systems are designed and developed.
- Analyze key components of an effective entity-wide internal control system.
- Develop an efficient database design to improve accounting information flow and integrate internal controls for financial reporting and information systems
- Assess current issues involved in providing assurance services for systems and database reliability.
ACC 350.1 Introduction to Accounting Systems
First Area of Study: Introduction to Accounting Information Systems.
Second Area of Study: Enterprise Systems.
Third Area of Study: Electronic Business (E-Business) Systems.
Fourth Area of Study: Documenting Information Systems.
Fifth Area of Study: Database Management Systems.
Sixth Area of Study: Relational Databases and SQL.
ACC 350.2 Controlling Information Systems
First Area of Study: Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control.
Second Area of Study: Introduction to Pervasive Controls.
Third Area of Study: Business Process and Application Controls.
ACC 350.3 Billing, Purchasing, Integrated Production Processes
First Area of Study: The Order Entry/Sales (OE/S) Process.
Second Area of Study: The Billing/Accounts Receivable/Cash Receipts
Third Area of Study: The Purchasing Process.
Fourth Area of Study: The Accounts Payable/Cash Disbursements (AP/CD) Process.
Fifth Area of Study: The Human Resources (HR) Management and Payroll Processes.
Sixth Area of Study: Integrated Production Processes (IPP).

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of concepts and processes of individual and business taxation.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Essentials of Taxation 2022: Individuals and Business Entities, 25th Edition. The authors are Annette Nellen, Andrew D. Cuccia, Mark Persellin, James C. Young and David M. Maloney. © 2022 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 406.1 Tax Law and Federal Income Tax
First Area of Study: Introduction to Taxation.
Second Area of Study: Working with the Tax Law.
Third Area of Study: Taxes in the Financial Statements.
Fourth Area of Study: Gross Income.
Fifth Area of Study: Business Deductions.
Sixth Area of Study: Losses and Loss Limitations.
ACC 406.2 Property Transactions and Individual Taxation
First Area of Study: Property: Basis, Gain and Loss, Nontaxable Exchanges.
Second Area of Study: Property Transactions: Capital Gains and Recapture Provisions.
Third Area of Study: Individuals as Taxpayers.
Fourth Area of Study: Individuals: Income, Deductions, and Credits.
Fifth Area of Study: Individuals as Employees and Proprietors.
ACC 406.3 Business Entities
First Area of Study: Corporations: Organization, Capital Structure, Operating Rules.
Second Area of Study: Corporations: Earnings & Profits and Distributions.
Third Area of Study: Partnerships and Limited Liability Entities.
Fourth Area of Study: S Corporations.
Fifth Area of Study: Multijurisdictional Taxation.
Sixth Area of Study: Business Tax Credits and Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax.
Seventh Area of Study: Comparative Forms of Doing Business.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Essentials of Taxation 2022: Individuals and Business Entities, 25th Edition. The authors are Annette Nellen, Andrew D. Cuccia, Mark Persellin, James C. Young and David M. Maloney. © 2022 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Apply analytical-reasoning tools to assess how taxes affect economic decisions.
- Evaluate how taxes affect financial net income and appraise the components of taxable-income determination across taxable-business entities.
- Assess possible tax approaches by using research skills to identify and evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
- Communicate tax conclusions and recommendations in a clear and concise manner to relevant stakeholders.
- Value the professional and ethical obligations for tax-service providers.
- Develop the technological skills necessary to undertake tax planning and compliance.
ACC 406.1 Tax Law and Federal Income Tax
First Area of Study: Introduction to Taxation.
Second Area of Study: Working with the Tax Law.
Third Area of Study: Taxes in the Financial Statements.
Fourth Area of Study: Gross Income.
Fifth Area of Study: Business Deductions.
Sixth Area of Study: Losses and Loss Limitations.
ACC 406.2 Property Transactions and Individual Taxation
First Area of Study: Property: Basis, Gain and Loss, Nontaxable Exchanges.
Second Area of Study: Property Transactions: Capital Gains and Recapture Provisions.
Third Area of Study: Individuals as Taxpayers.
Fourth Area of Study: Individuals: Income, Deductions, and Credits.
Fifth Area of Study: Individuals as Employees and Proprietors.
ACC 406.3 Business Entities
First Area of Study: Corporations: Organization, Capital Structure, Operating Rules.
Second Area of Study: Corporations: Earnings & Profits and Distributions.
Third Area of Study: Partnerships and Limited Liability Entities.
Fourth Area of Study: S Corporations.
Fifth Area of Study: Multijurisdictional Taxation.
Sixth Area of Study: Business Tax Credits and Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax.
Seventh Area of Study: Comparative Forms of Doing Business.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of the nature and processes of auditing.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Auditing: A Risk Based-Approach, 11th Edition. The authors are Karla M. Johnstone-Zehms, Audrey A. Gramling, and Larry E. Rittenberg © 2019 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
ACC 415.1 Nature and Purposes of Auditing
First Area of Study: Quality Auditing: Why It Matters.
Second Area of Study: The Auditor’s Responsibilities Regarding Fraud
Third Area of Study: Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Fourth Area of Study: Professional Legal Liability.
ACC 415.2 Auditing Standards and Tools
First Area of Study: Professional Auditing Standards and Audit Opinion Formulation
Second Area of Study: Audit Evidence.
Third Area of Study: Planning the Audit: Risks of Material Misstatement.
Fourth Area of Study: Audit Tools: Sampling and Generalized Audit Software.
ACC 415.3 Aspects of Auditing
First Area of Study: Auditing the Revenue Cycle.
Second Area of Study: Auditing Cash and Marketable Securities.
Third Area of Study: Auditing Inventory, Goods and Services, and Accounts Payable
Fourth Area of Study: Auditing Long-Lived Assets,Impairment, and Disposal.
Fifth Area of Study: Auditing Long-Term Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Sixth Area of Study: Completing a Quality Audit.
Seventh Area of Study: Audit Reports.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Auditing: A Risk Based-Approach, 11th Edition. The authors are Karla M. Johnstone-Zehms, Audrey A. Gramling, and Larry E. Rittenberg © 2019 Cengage Learning. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Define the role and responsibilities of independent auditors and the ethical responsibilities of accountants.
- Identify internal control issues that could lead to misstatements or fraud and understand the importance of accurate financial reporting.
- Understand the audit standards, the process to plan an audit, and audit evidence.
- Identify issues that can lead to high-risk audits.
- Understand the differences between review, attestation and audit.
- Examine case studies to further develop a critical approach to financial reporting.
ACC 415.1 Nature and Purposes of Auditing
First Area of Study: Quality Auditing: Why It Matters.
Second Area of Study: The Auditor’s Responsibilities Regarding Fraud
Third Area of Study: Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Fourth Area of Study: Professional Legal Liability.
ACC 415.2 Auditing Standards and Tools
First Area of Study: Professional Auditing Standards and Audit Opinion Formulation
Second Area of Study: Audit Evidence.
Third Area of Study: Planning the Audit: Risks of Material Misstatement.
Fourth Area of Study: Audit Tools: Sampling and Generalized Audit Software.
ACC 415.3 Aspects of Auditing
First Area of Study: Auditing the Revenue Cycle.
Second Area of Study: Auditing Cash and Marketable Securities.
Third Area of Study: Auditing Inventory, Goods and Services, and Accounts Payable
Fourth Area of Study: Auditing Long-Lived Assets,Impairment, and Disposal.
Fifth Area of Study: Auditing Long-Term Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Sixth Area of Study: Completing a Quality Audit.
Seventh Area of Study: Audit Reports.

Purpose: The purpose of this course is to help students develop an understanding of several specialized areas of advanced accounting.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Century 21 Accounting: Advanced, 11th Edition. The authors are Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman and Daniel Passalacqua. © 2020 Cengage Learning, ISBN 13:9781337799744. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of the five one credit courses listed below, students will be able to:
ACC 420.1 Departmentalized Accounting
First Area of Study: Recording Departmental Purchases and Cash Payments.
Second Area of Study: Recording Departmental Sales and Cash Receipts.
Third Area of Study: Calculating and Recording Departmental Payroll Data.
Fourth Area of Study: Financial Reporting for a Departmentalized Business.
Fifth Area of Study: Departmentalized Accounting Data.
ACC 420.2 Accounting Adjustments and Valuations.
First Area of Study: Inventory Planning and Valuation.
Second Area of Study: Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Plant Assets.
Fourth Area of Study: Accounting for Notes Payable and Accrued Expenses.
Fifth Area of Study: Accounting for Unearned Revenue and Accrued Revenue
Sixth Area of Study: Processing Accounting Data for a Corporation.
ACC 420.3 Corporation Accounting
First Area of Study: Organizing a Corporation.
Second Area of Study: Corporate Dividends and Treasury Stock.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Bonds.
Fourth Area of Study: Financial Reporting and Analysis for a Corporation.
Fifth Area of Study: Statement of Cash Flows.
Sixth Area of Study: Processing and Analyzing Accounting Data / Corporation
ACC 420.4 Management Accounting
First Area of Study: Budgetary Planning and Control
Second Area of Study: Management Decision Making: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
Third Area of Study: Job Order Costing.
Fourth Area of Study: Management Decision Making Using Differential Analysis.
Fifth Area of Study: Other Costing Methods.
Sixth Area of Study: Processing and Reporting Cost Accounting Data / Manufacturing
ACC 420.5 Internal Control and Other Organizational Structures
First Area of Study: Internal Control.
Second Area of Study: Organizational Structure of a Partnership.
Third Area of Study: Financial Reporting for a Partnership.
Fourth Area of Study: Budgeting and Accounting for a Not-for-Profit Organization.
Fifth Area of Study: Financial Reporting for a Not-for-Profit Organization.
Recommended Textbook: The recommended textbook for this course is Century 21 Accounting: Advanced, 11th Edition. The authors are Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Mark W. Lehman and Daniel Passalacqua. © 2020 Cengage Learning, ISBN 13:9781337799744. The book is available through a number of retailers for purchase or rent. It is included in the Cengage Unlimited program.
Learning Objectives: Upon the successful completion of the five one credit courses listed below, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of different types and methods of business expansions and combinations.
- Prepare journal entries using the cost, equity, or fair value method for accounting for investments.
- Develop a consolidation worksheet using spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel, which includes calculations and elimination entries for the consolidation of a subsidiary under various acquisition scenarios.
- Demonstrate an understanding of accounting procedures used in consolidating a subsidiary when there are inter-company asset or debt transfers.
- Prepare journal entries for the operation of a partnership, including formation, allocation of partnership profit or loss, changes in membership, and liquidation.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the major concepts of governmental accounting.
- Demonstrate an understanding of financial reporting and journal entry concepts for various types of private, not-for-profit entities.
- Inventory and cost of goods sold in a manufacturing company or cost of services rendered in a service organization.
- Compare and contrast capital budgeting methods to make management decisions concerning potential projects, lease versus buy, and capital purchases.
- Discuss the benefits and differences of activity-based costing as well as allocating and evaluating cost allocation and customer profitability using activity-based costing techniques.
- Prepare the components of a static budget and a flexible budget.
- Discuss the different budget and evaluation approaches and their effects on motivation and performance from a managerial perspective.
ACC 420.1 Departmentalized Accounting
First Area of Study: Recording Departmental Purchases and Cash Payments.
Second Area of Study: Recording Departmental Sales and Cash Receipts.
Third Area of Study: Calculating and Recording Departmental Payroll Data.
Fourth Area of Study: Financial Reporting for a Departmentalized Business.
Fifth Area of Study: Departmentalized Accounting Data.
ACC 420.2 Accounting Adjustments and Valuations.
First Area of Study: Inventory Planning and Valuation.
Second Area of Study: Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Plant Assets.
Fourth Area of Study: Accounting for Notes Payable and Accrued Expenses.
Fifth Area of Study: Accounting for Unearned Revenue and Accrued Revenue
Sixth Area of Study: Processing Accounting Data for a Corporation.
ACC 420.3 Corporation Accounting
First Area of Study: Organizing a Corporation.
Second Area of Study: Corporate Dividends and Treasury Stock.
Third Area of Study: Accounting for Bonds.
Fourth Area of Study: Financial Reporting and Analysis for a Corporation.
Fifth Area of Study: Statement of Cash Flows.
Sixth Area of Study: Processing and Analyzing Accounting Data / Corporation
ACC 420.4 Management Accounting
First Area of Study: Budgetary Planning and Control
Second Area of Study: Management Decision Making: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis.
Third Area of Study: Job Order Costing.
Fourth Area of Study: Management Decision Making Using Differential Analysis.
Fifth Area of Study: Other Costing Methods.
Sixth Area of Study: Processing and Reporting Cost Accounting Data / Manufacturing
ACC 420.5 Internal Control and Other Organizational Structures
First Area of Study: Internal Control.
Second Area of Study: Organizational Structure of a Partnership.
Third Area of Study: Financial Reporting for a Partnership.
Fourth Area of Study: Budgeting and Accounting for a Not-for-Profit Organization.
Fifth Area of Study: Financial Reporting for a Not-for-Profit Organization.